Electronic data files are provided by Anders Lasater Architects (ALA) subject to the following conditions:
- Use of the files will indicate an implicit acceptance of these conditions.
- The electronic files attached to this email are for the consultant’s use in completing a specific project for ALA and are not to be used in any other way, including extraction of data for use on other projects (including those with ALA) or sharing with third parties without the written consent of ALA.
- The recipient is responsible for verifying correctness and completeness of all data included within the files.
- Confirm all dimensions on site, measuring electronic data is carried out at the risk of the recipient.
- ALA accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage suffered by the recipient by using electronic data.
- The copyright of the original drawings and electronic copy belongs to ALA.
- All designs, plans, specifications and other contract documents (including all electronic files) prepared by ALA shall remain the property of ALA and ALA retains all rights thereto, including but not limited to copyright, statutory and common-law rights thereto unless otherwise specified by contract.
- The electronic data has been assembled solely for the preparation of drawings by ALA for the construction of this project and therefore may not reflect the needs of the recipient.
- If electronic data files are altered in any way, all references to ALA shall be removed and the author will assume all responsibility for all the information contained.
- No design changes or decisions made by e-mail shall be considered part of the contract documents unless otherwise specified, and all design changes and/or decisions made by e-mail must be submitted as an RFI or a submittal unless otherwise specified.